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The Asian Pacific Student Alliance (APSA) of San Diego State University was established in 1972 for the purposes of: Uniting diverse Asian and Pacific Islander students together to share and learn about each others cultural identities. Becoming more visible, more vocal in issues that effect the future of our community. Sharing the Asian Pacific culture to all other ethnicites with our open membership. Creating an appreciation for our rich traditions and beliefs. Strengthening the positive awareness of all members. Advocating and representing the club's interest within and outside the campus. Serving the community by either volunteering for or providing service events.

APSA has a major presence on the campus of San Diego State University. APSA holds a seat on the Associate Students council. It is one of # Student Organizations which hold a seat on A.S. council, and many of our members participate on various A.S. boards and committees.


Throughout the school year, APSA is dedicated in organizing various social, cultural, and community events that serve the purposes in which our organization was formed under. The various events that APSA has participated in include: Annual High School Conference Annual Fashion & Talent Show Attending different conferences throughout California On campus events & functions, such as Spring Fiesta and Homecoming. Networking with USD, UCSD and other colleges and universities. Fundraising activites to alleviate some of the costs incurred during the year.